Fall Restraint
Your guide to restrain falls when working at height.

What is fall restraint?
Fall restraint, as the name suggests, refers to any method or system that 'restrains' a person from falling from a raised platform while working at height. In the "Working at height hierarchy" the first priority is to work from ground, If that isn't possible due to the nature of the work or location, Fall Restraint is the preferred method of height safety over the next step which is Fall Arrest. Fall Restraint prevents the fall from occurring - it restrains the user - wheres as Fall Arrest mitigates the result of a fall once it has occurred. Prevention is safer option and it can be implement using equipment such as guardrails, safety platforms, anchor points, roof safety lines that prevent falls from height.
If you are a building owner, contractor commissioned to carry out work at height or control work at height on a project or building you become a ‘duty-holder’ according to the ‘Work at Height Regulations – 2005’.​ Duty Holders are responsible for ensuring all work at height complies to the regulations. The Work at Height Regulations 2005 apply to all workplaces in the United Kingdom, including construction sites, factories, and offices. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in prosecution and fines.
Avoid working from height where possible
Use equipment and measures to prevent a fall
Use equipment to minimise the consequences of fall
Types of Fall Restraint
Fall restraint is essential in many industries, including construction, manufacturing, and maintenance, where workers may be required to work at elevated heights. Employers are responsible for providing fall prevention equipment and training workers on its proper use to ensure a safe working environment.
Fall restraint equipment falls into two main categories:
Collective or Passive: Collective fall restraint equipment measures normally don't require action from the individual and provide protection around an area rather than each individual. Examples of collective fall prevention systems include guardrails or handrails and work platforms like RhinoDeck.
Personal or Active: Personal fall restraint equipment would normally require user action i.e physically connecting to the system. Personal systems are used where Collective system are not feasible or additional protection is required. Examples of Personal fall protection systems include lifelines or safety lines, anchor points, including both temporary and permanent anchor points.
Fall Restraint Products
Sayfa Group have a wide range of products that help provide fall restraint when working at height. View our full range of products for fall restraint and fall prevention.​ Our range includes: