EdgeReil™ System
Flexible and discreet abseil rail system for facade access.

Abseil Rail System
The EdgeReil™ system (patent pending) is an abseil rail that allows the users continuous horizontal and vertical access across the building facade.
EdgeReil™ is a flexible system that can be curved and integrated seamlessly with other products in the range. It can be curved and act as a single system for rope access, fall restraint and arrest.
The product is suitable for personnel and materials, lifting and lowering. SATRA tested to BS8610:2017 and with a safe working load of 600kg.

20x faster to operate than posts and sockets
Continuous vertical and horizontal access
Third-party approved and tested
Product Details
The EdgeReil™ Abseil Rail is an interlocking structural aluminium section acting as a track or ‘monorail’ providing continuous uninterrupted rope access, and rigid fall restraint or arrest.
The track can be curved for internal and external corners to fit the building form. It allows complete vertical and horizontal access without the need to re-rig.
EgdeReil features 316 grade stainless steel bearings which allow the users to traverse across the elevation.
EdgeSeiltm is typically manufactured to suit project requirements but can be supplied in standard lengths from 2m to 6m.
EdgeSeil™ rail has a range of fixing options, it can be side fixed or top fixed to a substrate, such as structural steel or concrete.
The abseil system is ideal for fully glazed buildings or complex facade designs which require regular maintenance and cleaning both internally and externally.
Although the product is typically incorporated into new build retail, office and residential it is retrofitted for warehousing and industrial building with fixing centres of 6m.
The rail has virtually zero visual impact. It can act as a dual purpose system to provide Fall Restraint / Arrest and still has lower ongoing LOLER costs and cleaning or maintenance.
Cleaner less cluttered roof top
3 user tested - 27kN rated
30-year warranty available with Sayfa+

Safety Information
All systems should be designed and installed by an experienced contractor.
Typical details, BIM files and technical data sheets are available however project specific guidance can be provided too.
The factored forces can be as high as 15 - 27kN depending on the number of users for the system.
It is a legal requirement for these systems to be tested, maintained and certified annually.
This must be performed by a trained and competent individual at least once every 6 months or sooner if subject to adverse conditions or use.
Approved partners for the design, installation and retest works are available on the Sayfa Group website.
These partners are trained by Sayfa Group and will help keep you compliant with detailed reporting and testing according to BS7883:2019 requirements.
Warranty Applications and Operating Manuals are also available from the Sayfa Group Web Site