Sayfa Now
Sayfa Updates is our latest news and Sayfa Standards features compliance information, white papers and an overview of current standards.
Product Demonstration and Engagement Day
3 week count down
Sayfa Group is now a BSIF Registered Safety Supplier
HUB Victoria - FallSecure™ Track & EdgeSeil™ Rail
Tarun Prema - Designing the future of Safety
The Sayfa Group experience - Alfie Hayes
Latest HSE figures: Increase in fatal accidents while working at height
FallSecure Safety Post Product Launch
Height safety protection on severe weather- Altus Technical Services
Brand new design Sayfa jacket
Davit Systems for Rope Access - Clarendon
Sayfa Group 2022 Wrap up: Looking ahead to 2023...
Work at height 29 times more fatal than military service
At the Safety In Construction Show
Sayfa Group - Height safety products for UK and European markets.
Design & Development: FallSecure Anchor
FallSecure Anchor Product Launch
Case Study: Twin Towers Correctional Facility
Abseil Products for Façade Access