Approved Partners
Our approved product testing, maintenance and install partners
Approved list
As part of Sayfa Standards initiative, we partner with experienced industry experts that share our passion for height safety.
All approved partners have experience with and detailed knowledge of Sayfa products, and are able to provide the best support and service.
Get in touch with us and we will direct your enquiry, or contact our install partners
Strategic Partners (Regions)
Design (BS7883:2019) & Installation (BS8610:2017)
Altus Safety Ltd
Our approved Design and Installation partner, providing height safety for areas in the North West of England.
Incorporated in 2011, Altus Safety can support with Fall Restraint and Façade Access Solutions.
KaydeeSayfa Ltd
Our approved Design and Installation partner, providing height safety for areas in the East Midlands and London.
Incorporated in 1985 KaydeeSayfa offer support on Fall Restraint, Height Access, Façade Access Solutions.
Approved Contractors
DAB Services